Sunday 30 May 2010

Mikey Carroll goes back on the bins!

He became the self-proclaimed king of the chavs after turning up to collect his £9.7million lottery win wearing an electronic offender's tag.

But eight years on, having blown all that money, Michael Carroll is practising for a return to his old job as a binman.

The 26-year-old, who squandered his multi-million fortune on drugs, gambling and thousands of prostitutes, has since February claimed £42 a week in jobseeker's allowance. But he is keen to get off the dole and back to earning £200 a week collecting rubbish near his home in Downham Market, Norfolk. The father of two told us: ‘I can’t wait to stop signing on and start getting paid for doing a proper job like normal people.’ He also said he hoped to see some of his old friends back on the job, adding: ‘It was a good laugh when I was doing it before I won so I don’t mind going back to it.’

Carroll's jackpot win in 2002 disappeared with astonishing speed as the tattooed self-styled 'King of the Chavs' lavished several million pounds on family and friends and hundreds of thousands on drugs.


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